The Last of Us


Playtime Not Played
Last Activity 3/1/2014 21:09:55
Added 1/29/2022 14:02:11
Modified 2/22/2024 13:13:05
Completion Status Beaten
Library PlayStation
Source PlayStation
Platform Sony PlayStation 3
Release Date 6/14/2013
Community Score 94
Critic Score 92
User Score 100
Genre Adventure
Developer Naughty Dog
Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI)
Feature Multiplayer
Single Player
Links Official Website
Tag ★Favorite★


A third person shooter/stealth/survival hybrid, in which twenty years after the outbreak of a parasitic fungus which takes over the neural functions of humans, Joel, a Texan with a tragic familial past, finds himself responsible with smuggling a fourteen year old girl named Ellie to a militia group called the Fireflies, while avoiding strict and deadly authorities, infected fungal hosts and other violent survivors.