The World Ends with You


Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 2/12/2022 16:44:41
Modified 7/26/2022 5:51:54
Completion Status Beaten
Library Playnite
Source Nintendo
Platform Nintendo DS
Release Date 7/26/2007
Community Score 76
Critic Score 91
User Score 80
Genre Role-playing (RPG)
Developer Jupiter Corporation
Square Enix
Publisher Square Enix
Ubisoft Entertainment
Feature Multiplayer
Single Player
Links Wikipedia


In the game, Neku Sakuraba and his allies are forced to participate in a game that will determine their fate. The battle system uses many of the unique features of the Nintendo DS, including combat that takes place on both screens, and attacks performed by certain motions on the touchscreen or by shouting into the microphone. Elements of Japanese youth culture, such as fashion, food, and cell phones, are key aspects of the missions.