Final Fantasy VI Advance


Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 2/12/2022 15:02:28
Modified 2/22/2024 13:13:05
Completion Status Beaten
Library Playnite
Source Nintendo
Platform Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Release Date 11/30/2006
Community Score 85
Critic Score 88
User Score 100
Genre Adventure
Role-playing (RPG)
Developer Square Enix
Publisher Square Enix
Feature Single Player
Links Official Website
Tag ★Favorite★


Final Fantasy VI Advance is more than a simple port of the SNES classic: every aspect of the games has been reviewed and enhanced. Additionally, a host of brand-new elements has been seamlessly merged with the original game, providing unexpected surprises for longtime fans. With new dungeons, new job classes, and other exciting features, both old-school players and newcomers can enjoy this genre-defining FINAL FANTASY title in a portable format.